Go Ahead. Take A Second Look.

Celebrating Sky

CreateWorks Chronicle, the Blog, took a small, week-long hiatus for some much needed beauty rest and a surprise makeover. I didn’t want tell anyone because I wasn’t sure I’d be able to pull it off in a week, but I did. So take a look around.

KLH CreateWorks as a business site has now joined forces with the Blog, and they’re unpacking their bags to settle in together. And CreateWorks Chronicle has changed its name to You Are What You Write (can be accessed directly at  KLHCreateWorks.com/YouAreWhatYouWrite). I thought it was a good time for the “system to reboot”, as it were, and both site and blog are stronger than ever.

Don’t worry, all of the content is still here, plus the information regarding my Professional Editing Services, pricing, testimonials, and experience. All the good stuff now conveniently together on one site.

I urge you to look around, see if there is anything here that interests you, catches your attention, sparks some questions. And please feel free to get in touch! I hope that the new layout is as fun to navigate as it was to create.

It took a lot of willpower not to keep posting throughout the week, but I wanted to make sure that when the Blog came back full-force, it would be a pleasantly surprising change. Nobody wanted to see that awkward phase. And I definitely used the last week to stock up on some topics to share in the coming days, so keep checking back for those 3 posts a week.

I didn’t go anywhere, I promise.